Sunday, 2 August 2015

Are you, 'you' ?

What is it that makes us who we are? That's a question I seldom ask myself. Let me start by going a few days back when a tiny voice inside me asked a question. It said '' Is that really really you or you're being this just because?''

At first, I didn't know how to respond to that question and I let it fade away. They say when you realize something, just anything, you should catch it and hold on to it  and never let that feeling go. I did that. I did that nut in more selfish manner. A little note to you here: I say selfish because when I did listen to that voice, I  was busy nudging it away from myself and continued doing what recognized at that point of time as selfish. The thought was mostly ''Ok inner voice, you've had your say and you're right but I need to do this because I get all the attention and brownie points, so shush!"
All that i got as a reply was ' NO, I WILL NOT SHUSH"

A few days went by and that voice just kept bothering me. It wouldn't stop pestering me. After the 'incident' , I thought to just finish listening to what the tiny voice is actually saying. I questioned her and i said ''Why is it that you keep popping up every time I do something?" All that she said was ''Don't do that just for the heck of it. you have your own beauty, your skill. You have what it takes to be 'you' and no one else. So stop and just be what you are."

The aftermath of that conversation was actually very simple. I followed it up the next day. Courage was all that I needed with the help of, of-course, my own inner voice. All that I was, I stopped being. Stopped being what others wanted to see and became what I consist of. I bid goodbye to all the masks I owned and peeled out those false layers and just became what my core is. Just became me. 

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